Welcome to Scions, our first project since the success of Fourth Prime. In the years following Fourth Prime, we looked ahead and tossed around some thoughts for our next steps. As we embarked on this journey, we knew the priority was a quality blend. Telling a story with a bad product is a house of cards. It won’t hold up for anyone, especially our values.
Next is the story. That’s a big part of Fable – hell, it’s in the name! Fourth Prime was universal and this one had to be personal.
And that’s where Scions comes in. For us, Scions represents the complex relationship between parents and their children. We’ve both experienced the ups and downs of these connections with our own fathers, and we know we’re not alone. So, we invite you to enjoy our new blends and share your tales with us.
Medium. Full Flavor. Full Aroma.
Wrapper: Honduran Habano/Connecticut
Binder: Honduran Habano
Filler: Honduras/Nicaragua
6 x 54
Before COVID turned the world inside out, we were at the trade show in Vegas. A wonderful world of smoke and haze and noise that never slept – or maybe that’s just nostalgia. We did our rounds at Bar Luca, herded through the crowd of cigarians, shook hands and made friends with forgotten names. A few drinks later, we wandered the sea of neon lights of the Palazzo – a place so vast you might need Google Maps – and picked a place to eat. But first, of course, more drinks at the restaurant bar.
We got our fancy Vegas glasses, talked our way through much of nothing, and that’s when it hit me. This cocktail was a disaster. A concoction of colors that did nothing to hide the fact that it was dogshit. We’ve all been there, right? A flashy name and a $25 price tag, followed by the sinking realization that it’s all a mirage.
So I turned to our sales and distribution duo, Mike and Gregg, and I said, “There are two things I regret in life. Not spending more time with my father and ordering this drink.” One those rare lucid reminders of the price tag of all your decisions.
I won’t bore you like a sappy Hallmark card. It’s enough to say my old man and I have had our differences and share of battles. It’s the stuff of cliches. But this is the one regret that sticks under my skin, a reminder of what could have been. It’s not a new story, but it’s mine, and every year I put the work in to change the ending.
What’s yours?